
書名:The Safeguard of Liberty and Property: The Supreme Court, Kelo V. New London, and the Takings Clause,語言:英文,ISBN:9780739197851,作者:Burnett, Guy F.,出版日期:2016/11/14,類別:人文社科

The Safeguard of Liberty and Property: The Supreme Court, Kelo V. New London, and the Takings Clause

商品分類:博客來, 外文書, 人文社科, 政治, 政府組織


This book is an in-depth analysis of the case law and popular backlash to the Supreme Court case Kelo v. New London (2005). Using a variety of legal, academic, legislative, media, and popular sources, it examines and establishes the Court’s most recent interpretation of property rights, eminent domain, and popular reaction to the interpretation.

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The Safeguard of Liberty and Property: The Supreme Court, Kelo V. New London, and the Takings Clause

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